If you have been in business for any length of time, odds are you have had the need to retain an attorney to assist you with some issue. Most times, hiring a lawyer is a serious financial endeavor, and often it is done too late. Many small businesses feel forced to handle their legal issues on their own due to the uncertainty of the costs associated with hiring counsel. While it would be nice for all businesses to be able to afford a full-time in-house General Counsel, this is not realistic for 90% of the businesses out there.
At Hoffman & Hoffman we have developed a program that allows small business to have the luxury of an in-house General Counsel. This program operates on a monthly retainer account (amount depends upon the size of the business and the legal needs) and allows you, the business owner, to get quality legal advice for all issues associated with your business.
Most people don’t start a small business with the goal of spending their time dealing with legal issues. Unfortunately these issues occur more frequently than most business owners expect. It is our experience in working with small to medium businesses, that allows you to focus your energy on the business and leave the legal issues to the lawyers.